author hub
Interested in being featured? Keep reading for the info.
What are the requirements for my book to be featured?
It must be a steamy romance with a professional cover and be priced at free or 99¢. No questionable content will be accepted.
Does my book have to be wide?
That’s not a requirement. However, because our subscriber list reads on all platforms, we want to provide them with the content they’d like. For this reason, KU books will be limited in each newsletter.
Does it cost anything to be featured?
At this time, placement is completely free.
Can I submit more than one book?
As we can only feature one book per author per newsletter, please submit a maximum of two books per month.
How often can my book be featured?
Once every 90 days.
Does submitting my information guarantee my book will be featured?
Because we never know how many submissions we’ll receive, we can’t guarantee placement.
If my book is not featured, when can I resubmit?
Any time.
How can I submit my book to be featured?
Just click here and fill out the form.